Kids Book Reviews ~ Father’s Day Edition

Hi Everybody! Welcome to my Library Haul Post. This is where I do a short and sweet rating of the best children’s books we scored from our library trip last week. We tend to read a lot of kids books and I haven’t quite worked up to giving them all their own post, but this is my compromise. This week, in honor of Father’s Day, we’re going to highlight some of the books we’ve read most recently that celebrate Dads! What are your favorite books about Dads? Let us know in the comments! If you’re looking for a Father’s Day present, one of these books might be perfect… just saying!

#1. Because Your Daddy Loves You by Andrew Clements

This one of my favorite dad books. It’s about a family’s trip to the beach and all the little things that daddy wouldn’t necessarily have to do… but he does… because he loves you. It’s a great look at celebrating all the sweet, little things daddies do.
We loved it: 5 out of 5 stars

#2. Saturday is Dadurday by Robin Pulver

Mimi and Dad have the best day ever every Saturday–They call it Dadurday. Dad makes pancakes and they decide what fun things the agenda for the day should include, but the best part is that they get to spend it together. When Dad finds out that he has to start working on Saturday’s will Dadurday stop or can Mimi find a way to salvage it.
This was a really great one, because Mimi eventually steps outside of her own hurt feelings. The most important part of Dadurday is Dad, after all, and she wants to show him how important he is to her… and works really hard all afternoon to make it happen. It is just SUCH a sweet book.
We loved it: 5 out of 5 stars.

#3. Oh Daddy! by Bob Shea

Daddies can be really silly, but luckily, kids know what’s up. The funny thing about this book to me is not that particularly that the kid is doing the right thing in all of these situations (because we all know how realistic that is) but that the dad’s silliness is inspiring the kid to get things done the right way, under the guise of “showing him how to do it.” Such a novel idea. I’m not even kidding when I tell you that I think I’m going to be adopting that strategy to try to get my daughter doing things like getting dressed, putting shoes on, etc, in a more timely manner. Clever, clever daddy…

We really liked it: 4 out of 5 stars

#4. Monday is One Day
This book is about the days of the week, and how parents in general hate having to leave their kids to go to work. To be honest, it’s a little bit of a stretch putting it into a Father’s day post–Mothers are pretty equally represented–but I feel like the sentiment is pretty appropriate, and most of the illustrations include a father. It’s at least appropriate for us, since my superman goes off to work every day and misses his babies.
Bonus: It might help your toddler get a better idea for how the passage of time breaks up into days and weeks.

We really liked it: 4 out of 5 stars

#5. Grizzly Dad by Joanna Harrison

Someday’s Dad just wakes up grumpy, and when he does, sometimes he turns into a grizzly bear. When that happens, a boy and his dad… ahem, grizzly… spend the day just hanging out and doing fun bear things.

This is a cute story in and of itself, but the illustrations cracked me up. The story is about how sometimes dad’s can be grumpy–which kids can relate too–and the pictures tell the story of WHY the dad might be grumpy–which parents in general will find hilarious. For example, on the page where it talks about how Dad just woke up grumpy one day, the illustrations show you that he woke up with a cat on his head, a baby’s finger up his knows, two kids fighting over a doll on top of him, and a dog chewing on his glasses. Why is dad grumpy? The kid might not be sure, but all the rest of us have been there, done that. The rest of the book is a story about redeeming the day and the things parents do to make a day better when it has started badly.

We loved it: 5 out of 5 stars


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