Kids Book Reviews ~ Library Haul #18


Hi everybody! Welcome to our Kids Book Review Library Haul post! This is where I give you quick and snappy reviews of our favorites from our weekly library haul. We read a LOT of children’s books from the library, so I don’t bother reviewing all the ones that were just mediocre. I like to keep things positive too, so books that I thought were terrible don’t usually make it into the list either… unless I just really want to rant about it for a while. Let us know in the comments which books were winners in YOUR library haul!




go_go_go_stop#1. Go! Go! Go! Stop! by Charise Mericle Harper

Go! Go! Go! Stop! was an overnight favorite at our house. It tells the story of a little green guy who rolls into town and starts saying the only word he knows. That word happens to be “go”. At first, “Go” is a great word, but as time goes on, things become more and more chaotic. Green can’t even fix the problem. Every time he says “Go!” things just keep on going. Luckily, a new guy rolls into town, named Red, and the only word HE knows is “Stop!” Green and Red learn to work together to get things running smoothly again.

Go! Go! Go! Stop! is an innovative and fun way to reiterate the function of traffic lights to your children. Sophia already knew the basic traffic light signals (Green means go, red means stop) but she adored this book and we couldn’t read it to her enough. There are lots of ways to experiment with dynamics within the book, which I think is definitely part of the appeal for youngsters. I mean, what kid is going to turn down the chance to bellow “STOP!” at the top of their lungs?! Not mine…

We loved it: 5 out of 5 stars

library_mouse#2. Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk

Sam is a library mouse who has a pretty sweet life. During the day he lives in his cozy hole at the library, and at night when the library is empty he comes out and reads everything… at least until the night he decides he needs to write his own story. Sam begins writing stories and leaving them around the library, much to the fascination and curiosity of the library staff and children. Eventually, they leave a note asking him to let them meet the author. Though Sam puzzles over what to do about this particular predicament (he’s a mouse after all, and mice don’t generally interact well with humans) his solution is both touching and inspiring.

This was an adorable little story, all about inspiring you to do things you never thought of doing before–just because you can. I was surprised at how sweet the ending was. I don’t want to spoil it for you, but it was completely charming. Definitely go search this book out! Well worth it!

We loved it: 5 out of 5 stars

#3. Cinder Edna by Ellen Jackson

Yet another twist on the classic Cinderella tale, in this rendition, Cinderella is rather whiny and boring. She has a hard life, and she basks in it. Cinder Edna, her next door neighbor, on the other hand, has exactly the same trials, but she hasn’t let her troubles keep her down. She works hard to better herself, and doesn’t rely on fairy godmother’s to bail her out of difficult situations. Cinder Edna proves that your personal outlook and ambition is worth everything, and far more powerful than a magic wand.

This was such a great book to read, especially in today’s age of entitlement and whine-culture. You’re only a victim if you choose to see yourself as a victim. Otherwise, get up out of that fireplace and make a tuna casserole! Delightful. This is one I want to get on my home shelf, eventually.

We loved it: 5 out of 5 stars

#4. My Family Tree and Me by Dusan Petricic

My Family Tree and Me is a simple book with great illustrations, all about how one’s ancestors led to one’s existence. Great-great grandparents down to “me” and back again, this book is meant to be read backwards and forwards–something that I didn’t realize the first time I read it. Not gonna lie, it was a little confusing that first round. It makes much more sense reading from the front (Father’s side) to the middle, and then from the back (Mother’s side) also to the middle. Confusion aside, it was still a great book to reiterate the different relationships in families. Sophia has been very curious lately about the different titles for people in our family. Sisters, brothers, cousins, daughters, grand parents, grand daughters, and the like have all proven to be fairly confusing for her, especially as she realized that people can hold much more than one title. It’s been interesting, to say the least, but this book was definitely in perfect time.

We really liked it: 4 out of 5 stars

#5. Sophia the First by Catherine Hapka

If you have a youngster who is into princesses, you’re probably already well aware of the Sofia the First franchise. Sofia the first is a princess TV show, centering around (for the first time ever, at least to my knowledge) a child princess. Needless to say, my Sophia loves her, and this book was another instant favorite. The story is pretty cute–all about family learning to get along, and a little girl learning how to be a princess.

My proudest moment though, was when, after reading the book several hundred times, Sophia was watching an episode of the TV show and turned to me to say brightly, “I read a book about this, Mommy!” Yes, Sophia, always, ALWAYS read the book first! ❤

We loved it: 5 out of 5 stars

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